Friday, October 19, 2012

Maybe On Second Thought...

So, I'm not so sure about the compression stockings... I seem to still feel the earth, move, under my feet. I feel the sky falling down, oh, tumbling down. And my heart's still tremblin'...

Like how I did that? ;)

Okay, okay. Back to the program...

They are tight, I'll give them that.

And a highly depressing PITA! (Pain In The Ass) to get on. 10 mintues, 5 minutes a leg to get the darn things on. And the same amount of time getting them off (okay, maybe only 2 mintues, but you HAVE to be careful not to snag them. They are sitll pantyhose...pantyhose on steriods maybe...but pantyhose still.)

This is day three and I might try them over the weekend - Might. I don't know. I still feel "odd" and not quite right, but in a whole new way, and I'm not sure I have the stamina to figure out how to function in a new odd, not quite right way.

I wish I had someone to talk to who was doing this same thing right now. I found a HUGE group of POTsie peeps on facebook, requested to join... but haven't heard from the group leader yet. Here's to hoping they aren't too tired or foggy to check for new comers, lol.

If you can't tell, I'm in a bit of a mood. I can't be all cheery and sunshine today. Maybe it's because it rained heavy this morning and promised to be a nice chilly day...but turned gross warm and muggy. And I'm in a sweater. And boots. And jeans. AND TIGHTS! Anyone got a fan?!


I still feel wonky. That's the only word that ever seems to fit.

So should I continue to wear them? Tough it out for a week and see? Take them back? (I mean, they were $120!!!)...

I don't know what to do. I sure do wish I had a real life doctor who knew what they were doing and could help me. Steer me in the right direction.

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